Before discussing the actual flavor types, it's important to note that many coffee connoisseurs will only drink coffee produced in a particular region from a single source. Often there is a special taste characteristic associated with the region. Altitude, soil type, climate and harvesting methods are among the factors that give coffee beans its unique aroma. While the production of the final product is certainly important to the overall taste of the coffee, the region from which the coffee originates is also an important ingredient. In general, a good coffee growing region offers moderate sun and rain, a constant temperature of around 70 degrees, and rich, porous soil.
Latin American Coffee
Most of the coffee consumed worldwide is produced in Latin America. Latin American countries have an ideal environment for growing coffee, with moderate sun and rain, temperatures of 70-80 degrees, and rich and porous soil. There are three major coffee producing regions in Latin America: the Caribbean, Brazil (the largest producer since the mid-nineteenth century), and the Cordillera (coffee regions stretching from Mexico to Peru, Central America, and Colombia).
Coffee cultivation has played an important role in improving Latin America's livelihoods and landscapes. From the beginning, coffee was profitably harvested from large estates and smaller family farms. Latinos tend to drink more coffee than most other people. Brazil is known as the country that drinks the most coffee among Latin American countries. Not only that, it is also one of the largest coffee producers in the world.
Even if the flavors are not discussed, let's see what the flavors of Latin American coffee are:
Brazilian coffee may taste nutty due to its lower growth altitudes, be sweet, with low acidity, sweet or bitter notes and chocolate.
Colombia, unlike Brazil, is known for its high coffee properties. These properties produce a medium acid coffee with a rich sweet flavor similar to caramel.
Venezuela continues to produce unique coffee with low acidity, especially delicate and lightly flavored. Due to the mild nature of Venezuelan coffee, it is very convenient to drink as espresso.
Costa Rican coffee often has a wide variety of aromatic properties and is often associated with certain characteristics or farms. Costa Rican coffee can be described as fruity, sweet, chocolate flavored.
Peruvian coffee is said to have mild acidity and a very light body. Generally, Peruvian coffee has a sweetness that brings the aroma of vanilla and hazelnuts with a very unique taste.
Where Do These Special Flavors And Taste Notes Come From?
There are many factors that affect coffee flavors, so most people have only a vague idea of where these flavors come from. These main factors are geography, varieties, processing, chemical compounds, frying and manufacturing.
When it comes to geography, there are a few issues involved, namely: Altitude - you may never have thought that altitude would change the taste of your coffee, but yes. A cooler mountain climate means grains take longer to mature. This is when they develop more complex sugars that produce intense foliage, strawberry and citrus flavors! On the other hand: Soil - soil chemistry (minerals and nutrients) will affect coffee's sweetness, complexity, citric acid and protein levels. For this reason, coffee grown on volcanic soil is generally considered superior. Rain, sun and shade are other factors that play an important role in defining the aroma. The right amount of rain, sun and shade are essential to keeping your coffee plants healthy and happy. Healthy herbs will produce much better flavors.
When you drink quality coffee, you will be able to detect many differences depending on the variety. Some are sweet. Some are flowering. Some are like tea. Some have lemongrass. There are also different types of acids that make a difference in the aroma of coffee: chlorogenic acid (not very good in taste), citric acid (with notes of lemon, orange and grapefruit), malic acid (apple or hair), acetic acid.
How is Coffee Processed?
There are three main ways to process coffee: washed, naturally dried or semi-washed. After harvesting, the coffee berry is removed and then the seeds go through a processed wash called fermentation. The flavors of these coffees come from what the seeds manage to absorb during their growth cycle. Washed coffees tend to be more balanced and finer.
In the natural drying process, the coffee fruit is left to the sun to dry. Many people like the strong flavors of coffee that comes from a natural process as it absorbs the sweetness and intense aroma of the fruit. The natural processing method is great for a strong, clearly defined fruit flavor.
In the sweetening process, some of the fruit's viscosity is left in the seeds and then dried in shade, partial shade or full sun. This process gives the coffee sweetness and a pleasant fruity tone.
Also, roasting coffee itself affects acidity, bitterness and sweetness. Roasting ranges from light to very dark and It can produce anything from a special, light beverage to a frothy coffee with complex aromas and a hearty cup.
This is why many people focus on roast profiles and aroma notes when choosing a coffee. Although necessary for the selection process, many people do not realize how important the coffee region is to the overall structure of the bean. Like wine, coffee shares the concept of "terror". Terror is the definition of the geographical area of certain cultures. It tells about all the elements that aim to give the aroma of coffee and its unique character. The main factors that give coffee its distinctive profile are altitude, climate, soil type and harvesting method. This is why coffee harvested in Latin America can have completely different characteristics than coffee grown in Africa!