First, find a company that gives you as much information as possible. Consumers remain in the dark about how coffee is made, and even the slightest change can drastically alter flavors. Without information, you get misinformation and confusion. It is something the industry is trying to combat with the current price increase that continues across the country.
You can find many different regions that grow coffee under different conditions and practices. By narrowing your search to regions rather than countries, you can specify the exact coffee you want in every order.
Everyone has their favorite flavors and everyone has flavors they can't stand. When we talk about flavors in coffee, we're talking about complex, nuanced notes that hit all your senses. At the end of the day, your coffee will taste like coffee, but subtle hints of flavor may remind you of a sweet fudge or soft notes of strawberry and cream you drank as a kid. These flavors might not cross your mind, but heavy-bodied chocolates, lighter caramels or vibrant citrus tones will be more distinctive and easier to spot.
This is something that is almost unknown to all consumers in the market. Coffee is processed differently around the world and is one of the most important factors underlying overall flavors.
If you add milk to your coffee, you will get a more sour and fermented taste because when you add the sweet flavors of the milk, the taste will change slightly.
This has nothing to do with whether the coffee itself is bad or wrong, or even if the extraction is turned off. It's all because the bean doesn't mix well with the milk and your favorite flavors may not come out of the coffee.
This is a trick reserved for roasters only! You will find that it is almost impossible to find a coffee that has a quality score that is publicly available and easily available. Quality score is a measurable number that is directly related to the flavors and imperfections found in coffee and is directly reflected in the price.
If a coffee company does not display its quality score directly and sells its coffee cheaper than everyone else, it is selling 100% inferior coffee by trying to imitate the flavors of higher quality, more expensive beans.
Understanding a coffee's quality score is a one-way ticket to great coffee. If you can't see it, don't trust it.
You know the flavors, you found the perfect processing methods, you bought high quality coffee and your coffee still doesn't taste good. At this stage, it's probably not coffee. Make sure it's a bit fresh and full of Co2 so let it sit for a few days and try again, but it's most likely your extraction and how the coffee is made.
Knowing where the mistakes are is 90% of the battle!
But now we're seeing small businesses changing the way the coffee industry works by highlighting high-quality beans with the information that supports it. Ethical practices and sustainable efforts are slowly becoming more pervasive in the way we buy coffee.