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Coffee Brewing Guide

With the introduction of third wave coffee into our lives, there has been a radical change in the perception of coffee. Granule, brewing coffees began to take the place of brewing coffees, and this brought many brewing methods with it. The most known coffee brewing methods


French Press



It appears as the Moka Pot.

There are some things you should know before brewing coffee;

Use only fresh, selected #coffee beans (preferably lighter roast)

Grind each time to the right consistency (i.e. medium coarse) before brewing.

Prepare the dripper to ensure perfect extraction (i.e. wet it with hot water before use)

Take care to keep the water temperature correct

Gently pour in circular motions (blooming phase)


Espresso is made by grinding it very finely.

The amount of coffee you use is just as important as the quality of your grind. A standard shot of espresso is made using 7-9 grams of ground coffee, according to the Specialty Coffee Association.

Tamping is the process of compressing coffee grounds into the portafilter basket (removable filter in the espresso machine). It's important to keep the water flowing evenly through the coffee bed to get all the coffee to the same level.

#Espresso extraction is beautiful and complex. When it goes right, the coffee should fall from the tips of the nozzles on the portafilter in a smooth, smooth stream of warm honey consistency.

French Press;

Choose the way your coffee beans are ground to a finely ground powder. Your #French #Press does not have a filter that prevents the fine holding of your coffee, so you need to add a cup of coffee on top of your regular filter. Wrap this around the filter and spring coil built into the container. Use about 2 tablespoons of coffee that will go into the water.

Heat your water in a kettle to 200F and add half a glass of water to your French Press container. Then add 2 tablespoons (or more) of finely ground coffee beans. Give it a good mix for at least 20 seconds and let it bloom. Give it a final mix before putting the piston on top.

The coffee filter you wrap around your French Press filter isn't that hard, just be careful to keep the edges nice and straight and not crease along the rounded edges. This is then placed in the container and the lid is secured. The real challenge is to dive to the bottom slowly and steadily. It's a lot of cleaning after cleaning your press, but the results are worth it.


You'll want to use two rather than one filter on your #Aeropress. If you are using a mesh or mesh filter, use a regular mesh filter with a regular paper filter. The secret is to pre-wet the filter so that it is already filled. When you're ready to brew, prepare your Aeropress container for coffee grounds.

The grind to make good espresso starts with a fine grit-like grind, as the Aeropress will not act like a real espresso machine. Using fine ground coffee grounds will simply clog your Aeropress, so don't. Now add about 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to your container, adding a little more than you normally would add will increase the flavor intensity.

Now add 3 ounces of clean and filtered water heated to 200F. Stir your coffee as quickly as possible for 20 seconds, allowing the coffee to rise and degas. Now insert the plunger and, applying steady and firm pressure, push the coffee into your mug. Be careful not to push like crazy as a steady and strong pressure will produce a great espresso result.


After soaking your filter in a warm water bath for at least five minutes, drop it under the top component of your siphon, or "reservoir", and hook it under the glass tube of the bowl.

#Fill your siphon's lower component or "bulb" with 300 grams of hot water (about 12 oz. cup's worth).

Place the bowl, filter and all inside the bulb. You don't need to press too hard; just make sure it is securely and evenly in place. Place the entire assembly over your heat source.

While the water is heating, measure out 20-25 grams of coffee and grind it slightly finer than regular drip coffee.

Soon, the water in the bulb will start to boil and rise into the reservoir.

After the water enters the chamber, turn down your heat source so that the water is between 185-195 degrees F.

Add your coffee and gently (but thoroughly) dip it with a bamboo shovel or butter knife.

Let the coffee brew for one minute and 10 seconds undisturbed.

In one quick motion, remove your siphon from the heat source and stir ten times with the bamboo shovel.

It should take about a minute for your coffee to draw down and finally rest in the bulb. You'll know it's ready when a dome of grounds forms at the top of the filter and the coffee at the bottom begins to froth at approximately the rate and force of a kitten's heartbeat.

Remove the bowl and serve. Give the coffee a few minutes to cool to guarantee the most complex cup.

Moka Pot;

When you want to produce a smooth and flavorful espresso blend, no matter how powdery your coffee beans are, it will force the water well through the built-in filter. The best grind setting for the #Moka #Pot is medium-fine to fine ground coffee. Instead of adding all of the water for a single serving, use only half the water.

Prepare your water using clean filtered water instead of regular tap water. For great results, preheat your water in the microwave before adding it. Not only does this produce a double espresso, it also gives you the frothy cream you always get in real espresso machines. Another thing to remember with the moka pot is to keep the heat to medium-low because it's not the heat that works the heat.

The pressure built up inside a Moka can is enough to push finely ground coffee through the filter of any Moka Press. If you want to get a very fine espresso without sand in it, it requires adding a small piece of coffee filter to the area where your filter sits. Cut around the filter to cut off excess paper.

You can effortlessly experience fresh coffee prepared with more brewing methods directly at Top Roasters Premium Coffee.


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